Dear Traveler, I'm more thankful than ever that we have an advocacy organization like Bread for the World as a way to put our concern for hungry people into action. I see Bread for the World not as a charity, but as a service—working doggedly and effectively on a mission that has never been more critical. Considering where our nation is right now on its response to hunger both at home and abroad, I'm digging deeper to support Bread's work, and I'd like to challenge you to do the same. Here's the deal: I'd like to offer you the 2018 edition of my book, Travel as a Political Act, when you make a gift to Bread for the World of $50 (or more). And I'll match your gift so Bread will receive $100. My book, Travel as a Political Act, shares the most important lessons I've learned from a lifetime of getting out of my comfort zone in my travels. And in this updated, third edition, I've added new material as a rising nativism (from Poland to Turkey to the United States) meets globalization. In our shrinking and rapidly changing world, travel gives us empathy. It connects people to people and inspires creative solutions to persistent problems. As I travel, I see a world filled with need but also with love, joy, and great opportunity. Together, by supporting Bread for the World, we are pressing our nation's decision makers to sustain and strengthen programs that enable people to move out of poverty and feed their families. These life-saving programs face an uncertain future right now. That's why I've pledged to match all contributions — up to $50,000 — with my own gift to Bread for the World. Imagine how much good work can be accomplished with an extra $100,000 during this critical time. I know you will find Travel as a Political Act to be timely and thought-provoking as all of us continue to work together to end hunger. Thanks so much for joining me in this exciting initiative. Sincerely, Rick Steves |