(at least get your suitcase out and start dusting it off)!
You may have seen the big headline last week stating that the European Union will begin allowing vaccinated Americans to visit again starting this summer! This is exciting news for sure, the news we have been waiting for over a year to hear! 

According to the head of the European Commission, fully vaccinated American tourists will be able to take leisure trips to most countries in the EU beginning in June, at least that is the plan at this moment. This comes after a year long shut down in most countries amid the coronavirus crisis. 

A lot of planning and discussion has been going on behind the scenes in order to bring us to this point. However, it is clear that this was not intended to be a blanket statement. There is still a lot that needs to happen in order to make this notion a reality, and it does not mean that everywhere in Europe will follow the exact same guidelines. 

According to officials, it is contingent on the continued low case rates, vaccination rates and agreement on vaccination certificates. Requirements and procedures will need to be set in place. 

It seems all of this is headed in the right direction, and we here at Sage Traveling could not be more excited! 

So, start planning your most memorable trip now! It is time to finally experience fabulous European destinations again as many destinations are eagerly anticipating the go ahead to welcome you back!!  

The European Commission has not offered exact timelines or details about procedures. We have been keeping a close eye on this and here is what some countries are saying about reopening. This is what we know so far: (bear in mind, the situation is fluid and changes are made regularly).

  • United Kingdom – according to our sources, if all goes according to plan, will open up to vaccinated Americans in June
  • Italy – Is now open for tourists from the US. You must get tested before departure and again when you arrive to be free of quarantine restrictions
  • Spain – hoping to re-open in June to all tourists
  • Portugal – planning to open soon.
  • France – optimistic for an opening date of June 9 to vaccinated American tourists,
  • Belgium – planning on a reopening date in June
  • Germany – open now, as of May 9 for tourists arriving by air, quarantine lifted, not clear which venues and sites are operational at this point to welcoming tourists
  • Ireland – remains hopeful for a late summer opening
  • Greece - has been open to tourists since April 19, with no quarantine requirement for those who meet special conditions (having been fully vaccinated for at least 14 days prior or a negative COVID 19 PCR test within 72 hours of arrival with children under 5 being exempt). They are hopeful to lessen the restrictions even more on May 15. Airlines plan to resume daily service in June/July as well as cruise lines

All of this is very promising to us, as we have been waiting for this news for months! 

Although not every detail is set in stone just yet, and the situation is still fluid, we feel this is a great time to start planning that exciting “back to travel” vacation now if you have not already. 

Our sources tell us that the last quarter of 2021 and all of 2022 will be an enormous time for the travel industry. 

Booking now while the availability is good, and pricing is low is our recommendation.  

Please Contact Us for information about any of our services! 

Travel Wisely,

John Sage, Founder and President of Sage Traveling
Phone: US: 1-888-645-7920, UK: +44 20 3540 6155

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