Plus: Zanzibar beyond the beaches, Five hiking trails that will make you wish you lived in LA, Paradise for pennies: our tales of budget bliss & more -
Are you a flat white fanatic? Latte lover? All-round caffeine fiend? Trace your beloved beverage to the source with our list of buzzing coffee hotspots around the world.
Whether you want to tone up, top up the tan or simply see and be seen, LA's trails showcase a side of the city you don't want to miss. Let the power walking commence!
If you want to find an authentic slice of the Italian-American experience in New York City, skip the Little Italy in Manhattan and head to this historic neighborhood in the Bronx, where you can find delicious Italian food and family-run restaurants.
Hungry hiker? Vintage shopper? Rip Van Winkle fan? Welcome to the Catskills, where historic diners, artist enclaves, glorious waterfalls and sweeping mountain views await.
Does experiencing paradise on earth have to cost the earth? We don't think so. Here Lonely Planet staff share their stories of finding tranquillity on the cheap.
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